Workplace investigations


Monica knows through firsthand experience that workplace investigations can be very challenging and stressful for everyone involved. She also knows that it is now more important than ever for investigators to demonstrate fairness and impartiality at every step of the investigation process, and to ensure that process can withstand legal scrutiny.


Monica has several years’ experience providing general counsel to not-for-profit boards and employers facing allegations of racial discrimination and systemic discrimination under Ontario’s Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Her experience includes supporting boards to conduct internal investigations, as well as to engage and liaise with external investigators as necessary. 

By launching a workplace investigations practice of her own, Monica’s goal is to provide a safe, respectful, and judgment-free space for everyone involved in a workplace investigation. She has trained in workplace investigation techniques and workplace assessments through Rubin Thomlinson LLP, and is committed to the ongoing learning that is necessary to conduct  trauma-informed workplace investigations. Her extensive training and experience as a professional facilitator, which requires her to maintain a neutral stance in the course of designing and stewarding group processes, is also invaluable in this regard.

Monica believes wholeheartedly in the value of a community of practice. As such, she is part of a network of racialized workplace investigators and DEI practitioners who are committed to providing peer support and review counsel to each other on an ongoing basis.


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